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PIVOT platform for generating and sending electronic documents

October 13, 2021 | by Karla Peña | Technology

Stylized lines representing the flow of data through a circuit

Technological advancement today moves by leaps and bounds, communication is a crucial factor for relationships between companies and customers, speed, consistency and coherence are decisive factors for omnichannel communication solutions. PIVOT by RRD, is a platform for transforming data into information to generate personalized documents and send them by different digital means, providing scalability, stability, adaptation and interaction by integrating all its modules.

It seems that it was a long time ago when, even in the 90's, we bought stamps to send our letters or notifications of all kinds. Handwritten or typewritten, we applaud the existence of photocopiers and harness the power of print shops to generate engaging communications. With the passage of time we wanted the messages to arrive faster and we sacrificed the message to gain agility, we used the telegrams, the beeper, bbpin until we got to the email and we could send longer messages immediately.

Today we not only have email, but also media on social networks dedicated to instant messaging such as WhatsApp that has definitely changed our lives. Although SMS is not very interactive, even today it is quite functional for specific situations such as sending double authentication data, promotions or advertisements and even links that provide more information to customers.

On the document side, printers moved forward and offered us digital variable printing, and home printers soon appeared that allow us to obtain custom printed documents according to our needs in minutes. But also with the latter, we saw the possibility of storing and creating these documents and sharing them as attachments in an email or as a link to an internal server of the company dedicated to files.

PIVOT is the next scale in the evolution of all our communication needs, since it connects to your systems or receives your data through a file; interprets and transforms them as you want to generate any volume of personalized documents in seconds, then stores them in the cloud to have easy access to them, and finally sends them in any of the available channels, you can even do it in the channel that the end user has indicated us automatically, whether in print, by email, SMS or WhatsApp. Each PIVOT module has a special function, which meshes perfectly as part of the entire solution or individually on its own.

  1. Quickletter, the first of PIVOT's modules, specializes in issuing personalized one-page letters with your customer data quickly almost immediately.
  2. MessageDoc, for its part, is used to generate any type of document in any size, template or number of pages, with the best quality and speed such as: account statements, invoices, receipts, checkbooks, among others.
  3. E-delivery, is our digital messenger par excellence, it was created so that our clients can send their clients electronic documents or any personalized information, massively and instantly through email, WhatsApp, SMS or any available channel in his country.
  4. E-archive, offers us cloud storage for the files generated with the other PIVOT modules, so that our clients can store various documents to share them with their clients through download links or simply put a viewer to download. documents in a customer portal.
  5. SuperDoc, the latest in technology, makes a pdf go from something flat and simple to being attractive and interactive, with widgets such as integrated historical graphs, integrated loan, payment or other calculators, until you can add notes within the same system, putting a super document in the hands of end users.

This is just a sample of what PIVOT has for companies, we are already working on the integration of the electronic wallet for example. Time continues to run, innovations will continue to come into our lives and definitely also to RRD's PIVOT, making history in the communication of our clients with their clients.

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