Assumptive Positioning Lifts Direct Mail Response | Insurance
4/16/2020 RRD

Introduction of a new file folder beats client's control, increases response dramatically
A national insurance company has been a RRD customer for more than 10 years.
They had been sending a #10 package to potential clients for many years. While this format originally yielded positive results, design challenges and a tired control rotation began softening their numbers. In an environment of tired controls and aggressive competitive testing, the RRD account manager was challenged to beat their own control.
RRD has helped multiple customers push the boundaries when testing techniques to avoid declining profits. When a format works for one company, it’s worth the effort to see if it can be successful for other customers as well—this is called success transfer.
In the past, RRD clients have found success in sending file folders filled with essential documents. In the case of this national insurance company, RRD strategists suggested that the mailing be centered around the folder that would help recipients organize their needed documents assuming they will accept the offer.
The outside of the folder would have variable data specific to the person receiving the package, including instructions and a personal offer code. The folder would be mailed with the following documents:
- Enrollment form
- Guaranteed acceptance certificate
- Letter with attached PIRX® card
- Yellow Business Reply Envelope
The recipient is lead down the decision path to follow the instructions printed on the folder, complete the enrollment form and respond by the listed deadline.
179% increased response
The introduction of the file folder proved to be a winning format (Q2181). The insurance company reported a 179% increase over the standard control without a file folder.
Assumptive positioning, with messaging that assumes the recipient will need the folder to hold completed documents, has proven to be a winning technique here and in a variety of other markets.