Replacement of Nonstandard Mailer Saves Over $4.3M | Insurance

3/31/2020 RRD

Replacement of Nonstandard Mailer Saves Over $4.3M | Insurance

Insurance company sees Flex Mailer™ as a competitive solution to an outsourced mailing package


A leading insurance company, which offers complementary premiums to new customers, needed a competitive solution for a mailing package that had been produced in China. The company was challenged by changes in the USPS mailing regulations. 

After review of the company’s current mailer design, it was confirmed that the package no longer met the mailing standards for an automated flat. The customer’s challenge presented an opportunity for a new design and dramatic savings in postage. 


After hours of brainstorming and testing new design concepts, the Flex Mailer™ was created. Nationally approved by the USPS with a U.S. patent, the Flex Mailer features a highly flexible outer skin coupled with a unique inner tray design. 

The outer skin is tight enough to allow flexibility on both vertical and horizontal axis, while maintaining surface tension variations to less than a 1⁄4-inch. Moreover, the Flex Mailer is classified as an automated flat, which realizes significant postage savings with the USPS.


$.96 per unit postage savings

To date savings over $4.3M

The very first order — totaling 1,520,000 pieces — delivered postage savings of .957 per piece as compared to the customer’s old packaging. This saved the customer $1,454,640. To date the Flex Mailer has shown the customer well over $4,300,000 in postage savings.


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