Clean Release Cards Lead to Increased Catalog Spend | Retail

4/20/2020 RRD

Clean Release Cards Lead to Increased Catalog Spend | Retail

Retailer's catalog segment finds 50% response lift with proven coupon application  


A large cataloger operating a chain of retail stores, as well as a mail-order and e-commerce business, sought an opportunity to add value and increase the ROI of its catalogs. 


examples of couponsRRD suggested including a clean release card  (CRC) featuring a monthly coupon for use in the stores on the catalog cover. CRCs were proven successful with other major retail clients and the label product was competitively produced quickly at a centrally located RRD facility.

The client needed flexibility to finalize counts late each month as they worked to finalize their monthly catalog segment strategy. With the support of its label plant, RRD developed a monthly quick-turn production program with pre-order of materials based on forecast guidance from the client and reserved advance press time accordingly.


Over 50% lift over control

Tested against the control (using no CRC), RRD's solution  produced a lift of over 50%. Not only was response high, it also led to increased spend on items within the catalog and yielded a substantial ROI over the same catalog without the CRC on the cover.

The program has steadily grown with monthly volumes ranging between 5 to 20 million.

Due to the successful roll-out, the client has contracted with numerous publications to have the RRD Clean Release Card applied to monthly magazines. The CRC lift for the magazines has been even higher at over 75%.

Looking ahead, to track coupon redemption at the 1:1 level this client may leverage RRD's ability to variably image a unique barcode on each CRC. This will provide insight on individual customer redemptions and (if desired) prevent multiple uses of the same coupon.


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