Tax Compliance and Soft Proofing for a Large Midwestern Bank | Financial Services

8/15/2019 RRD

Tax Compliance and Soft Proofing for a Large Midwestern Bank | Financial Services

RRD quality and security levels meet client's high standards and production needs during most competitive months


A large Midwestern banking client needed a reliable partner with experience in producing compliance forms with little supervision; quality and security levels that met their high standards, and production capacity to service their 1099 compliance business during their most competitive months.


RRD's BCS compliance team verified capacity to produce work in their most competitive month — leveraging extensive knowledge of IRS/tax form reporting.  We delivered a cost-effective solution to the bank with a high level of security, quality and peace of mind.

Printing, imaging, mailing and distribution of 1099, 1098, and 1042-S forms were performed in a single, efficient process. The BCS team enabled "soft proofing" — a secure, time-saving electronic proofing process — so the client could test production, assure accuracy, and approve imaging position of data.


One sophisticated process. One satisfied client. More than 1.1 million pieces produced in five days with 100% mailing accuracy.


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