Replacing antiquated support models with a dynamic productivity engine.

The technological evolution has irrevocably changed the modern workplace, making it more global, fast-paced, and results-oriented than ever before. Yet many administrative support models still haven’t adapted to meet the 24/7 demands of this new normal. The results? According to Harvard Business School, knowledge workers spend up to 40% of their work week on tasks not related to their core competency; and idle time among them costs companies an estimated total of $100B annually.1

That’s why we designed RRD CATCH, a one-stop, on-demand managed service for creative, administrative, and application development that helps enterprises maximize the time of valuable knowledge workers and reap the full benefits of their expertise.

women coworkers working together at table

Flexibility for the unexpected

By leveraging RRD’s deep pool of global talent and resources, RRD CATCH can provide on-demand managed services for creative, administrative, and application development for enterprises.

Hand shown flying a toy airplane

The right talent, at the right time, for the right results.

Leveraging the deep talent pool and global resources of a Global Fortune 500 leader, RRD CATCH empowers businesses with responsive, flexible, and skilled end-to-end support options — on-demand and round-the-clock, including:

  • Onsite, in-person concierge service for white-glove, high-touch projects
  • Offsite, near shore service for routine tasks with native language and/or cultural familiarity requirements
  • 24/7 offshore service for low-complexity, high-volume work
  • Virtual, online access to a broad spectrum of functions, such as document design and production, creative design, software design, secondary research, and data visualization
  • Vertical-specific expertise to meet specialized industry needs
58% of U.S. workers say they’re so swamped with getting day-to-day work done that they don’t have time to think beyond their daily to-do list.

— Workfront

Catch a competitive edge

Business are increasingly being challenged to do more with less. Good news: RRD CATCH was specifically built to help make that happen. Our dedicated, responsive support team makes implementation quick and easy, so you can start capitalizing on RRD CATCH’s powerful benefits right away:

  • Improved Productivity & Morale - More time to focus and collaborate with peers on driving strategic results, fostering deeper connections and synergies
  • Reduced Costs - Up to 50% in cost-savings by optimizing knowledge worker utilization and centralizing sourcing spend to mitigate highly variable transaction expenses2
  • Faster Time-to-Market - Simplified and standardized process to help eliminate bottlenecks and break down silos
  • Enhanced Workflow Visibility - Track project status and access customizable reporting via an intuitive, user-friendly Admin Review Dashboard
Chalk drawing of the world

Only 29% of knowledge workers surveyed in a recent report felt “strongly aligned” with their company’s business strategy.

According to the report, unaligned knowledge workers are disconnected from their company’s strategic objectives and more pessimistic about its future. They are more likely to operate in silos and feel less empowered to seize business opportunities.

Slack (as cited by eMarketer)

Man walking looking at his cell phone


3 Management Mistakes Draining Knowledge Worker Productivity

What’s keeping knowledge workers disconnected and dissatisfied? And what should leadership do (or not do) to keep them on track and working as effectively as possible? Here are three potential management mistakes that may be getting in the way.

Here's a thorough look at an underutilized yet highly efficient approach to direct mail testing. Because why put postage on an inferior product, especially if you don’t have to?


Your Productivity Boost Awaits.

Bring the best out of your knowledge workers. Save money, time, and headaches. Getting started is simpler than you might think.

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